Happy New Year!
And so we have reached the end of 2023. Looking back, it has been a busy and stressful academic year, but with some really good outcomes:
- 3 published papers, all Open Access
- 2 book chapter contributions
- Multiple presentations delivered and events chaired
- 1 thesis completed 1 viva passed
- 2 successful small grant applications
My viva in June was a great experience, and I am grateful for the supportive discussions with my examiners. I walked out feeling that after 6 years I finally knew what I was doing, and that I am not the only one to think so.
In September 2023 I took on a new role as delivery team member and Stage 2 lead for the ARU DProf in Health and Social Care as part of an Associate Lecturer contract. Being able to share my experiences with doctoral students has been great, although impostor syndrome kicks in regularly! It is still weird being on the other side.
The day job has been very busy, with recently a lot of change on the books. Some good, some yet to be determined. I finished a number of large curriculum-related projects, all while teaching and course leading one of the largest students groups in the institution. It has been a challenge, but I think I did ok.
I know 2024 will bring a lot of change, but I think I am looking forward to it. It will again be busy, but hopefully in a different way. I have a number of projects on the way, papers to write, grant applications to hear back from and write, and research and teaching to do. Time will tell how this will go.
I hope you all had a good 2023, and I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2024! May it be a successful year for us all!